Published: May 31, 2018 by Jamex Lex
If you haven’t noticed, the last time we sent out a Newsletter was February. Obviously a lot has happened since then (tournaments, memorization award deadlines, Districts, Regionals, etc.) so where’s the Newsletter?
Well, it’s packed up and moved to a new home at the AG National Office!
If you are not getting the new Newsletter, sign up here.
If you want the full story behind the move, read on…
When Pastor Bernie started the Newsletter in 2015, the goal was to simplify and unite the Bible Quiz information you need to know. I (James) looked at a few ways of distributing the information—tweets, Facebook posts, etc.—but those platforms are designed to handle lots pieces of information from many people. The Bible Quiz community needed a single place to find the latest news.
The official Bible Quiz site (biblequiz.ag.org) was the obvious choice, but it was being rebuilt from the ground up as a part of the larger rebuilding of the entire AG.org digital platform. Due to the scale of the project and the changing leadership, this has taken several years.
Because of that, Pastor Bernie allowed us over at BibleQuiz.com to publish the newsletter so we could get the information to you right away. I told him, “We can always move it later.”
“Later” is “now,” and the Newsletter continues to be the best source for the latest Bible Quiz news. The National Office runs the Newsletter now, and we here at BibleQuiz.com were glad to help out.
If you are receiving this via email, then your email address was given to the National Office so that you can continue receiving the monthly Newsletter. If you have not received any Newsletters since February, contact [email protected] and let them know you want to be on the list. You can also sign up here.
Quiz on!