
Post Nationals Stats

Nationals is over, and championships have been won. I wanted to mention a few special statistics that I compiled (with the help of Seth Sundell and Larry Mullins). Now that we use Larry’s program to do the stats, he can easily provide question-by-question breakdowns, so I know how many rooms each question was answered correctly in. Due to some problems with the program on the first day, challenger stats are not included here.

Wednesday Evening Notes

The team competition for the 2012 National Finals is over, with the Individual Tournament and Quoting Bee remaining tomorrow, along with the fabled “Match of Death.” Here are a few observations from a coach’s perspective now that things are all wrapped up.

The Thrill of Victory, and . . . The Thrill of Victory

Who would have though that a 9th grade young lady would win her way to tie with Kent Piacenti for the most 1st place finishes (3) in the Individual High Score category? But win and tie she did.

Newsletter: May & June 1998
Newsletter: May & June 1997
Newsletter: March & April 1997