Welcome to the new BibleQuiz.com

Published: Jun 5, 2014 by James Lex

Prepare to enjoy a new experience from BibleQuiz.com.

A New Brand

The BibleQuiz.com logo has been simplified to a modest “BQ” and is now consistent across all of BibleQuiz.com’s social media accounts (more on that in a moment.)

A New Website

Smartphones and tablets can enjoy the same comfortable viewing experience on BibleQuiz.com that laptops and desktops have for years. With the new framework it’s built on, the site is now more flexible than it has ever been.

Because of the way BibleQuiz.com has been maintained over the years, every page is still not up-to-date with the latest redesign, particularly pages in the History section. If you spot a page outside of the History section that needs to be updated, please leave a comment below.

A New Home for the Current Season

Grand Central brought all of Nationals to one place. Now enjoy Current Season, a section of BibleQuiz.com bringing all of the current quiz year to one unified location.

Need to find questions for your team? Curious what’s been happening at tournaments around the country? Can’t remember what material the next league meet will cover? It’s all at BibleQuiz.com/currentseason.

Important news will be on the main page, but that won’t be the only place to find out what’s going on in the Bible Quiz world.

A New Social Experience

@BibleQuiz on Twitter will be a source for news in the Bible Quiz community as well as updates to BibleQuiz.com.

The Facebook group entitled “TBQ Peoples” is already the vibrant community of fellowship and discussion, and we look forward to promoting it in the future. All posts are visible after you have been added by one of the administrators. This preserves the tight, personal conversation of the group.

We are very happy to link to Tim McDaniel over at BibleQuizPodcast.com. Though the Bible Quiz Podcast is not owned or operated by BibleQuiz.com, Tim has done a terrific job producing new content for the Bible Quiz community on a weekly basis, and we hope to see his subscribers grow.

Perhaps BibleQuiz.com’s greatest social media advancement has been on the brand new YouTube channel, available now at YouTube.com/BibleQuizVids. With over 75 videos, it’s now the largest library of A/G Bible Quiz videos on the Internet. And more is on the way.

So what do you think?

It’s been a busy few weeks at BibleQuiz.com, but now we want your feedback. What do you think of the new changes? Have an idea for the site? Leave a comment below!