Changes to

Changes to

Published: Apr 10, 2023 by Admin

The Gist underwent a major under-the-hood change this weekend. All information from the previous site has been preserved.

The Details

This is the largest change in in several years. While we would normally not make a major change over a holiday weekend and in the middle of official competition, the rising costs to operate the site in its previous setup forced us to find an alternative.

Our Technology Team found a solution that not only improves the speed of the site significantly but also cut our costs down to $0!

As always with any change to a website, there could be some formatting issues or broken links that need to be fixed. If you find one, send a quick email to [email protected]. We have reviewed the Current Season and Next Season pages to verify all information and links are working.

Many thanks to the Technology Team for their time and expertise to enhance the Bible Quiz experience. This site has never been in better hands!