Published: Feb 18, 2016 by James Lex
BibleQuiz.com was registered 20 years ago, back when sites like google.com weren’t around.
A lot has changed since then (hello Facebook and YouTube) but one thing that has not changed is the owner. This person never wanted fanfare or attention; he simply had a vision to preserve the history of Bible Quiz, especially Nationals.
That man was Robert Laurens. If you’ve ever enjoyed a moment on BibleQuiz.com, you can thank Rob.
After our website went down last month, he, Joey Bohanon (the other admin), and I agreed it was time to make a change.
The News
Because of my work on the site the past 5 years, we agreed that I would become the new owner of BibleQuiz.com (and its sister BibleQuiz.org) and will maintain it for the foreseeable future.
My commitment is to do what we’ve always done: provide quality Bible Quiz training and preserve the rich history of Bible Quiz.
Neither of those will change as long as I am the owner.
The history section will continued be managed by Joey, who has done an outstanding job gathering and preserving Bible Quiz history while I work to maintain the rest of the site.
The Transition
Because of the issues with the previous host, I (obviously) had to move BibleQuiz.com to a new host. If that’s confusing, picture moving a family of six out of their house.
Now turn the lights off and try to pack and move out. That’s where we were.
Joey and I have done the best we can to get moved over, but we’re still getting things moved into the new place, so give us a little time.
The Nationals area of the History is still being setup, but the Current Season and Training sections are up-and-running with no issues as far as I know.
This Blog, unfortunately, lost all the pictures and PDF uploads. I’ll do my best to reupload, but no promises.
Epic Conclusion
If you’re still reading this, thank you. It’s good to know people love the content we produce.
I would like to thank everyone who has been so patient throughout this process, especially Pastor Bernie Elliot who counts on us to distribute the BQ National Coaches’ Newsletter each month.
If you have any questions or concerns, drop a comment.
Thanks for the love,
— James