
The Bible Quiz Newsletter Has Moved!

If you haven’t noticed, the last time we sent out a Newsletter was February. Obviously a lot has happened since then (tournaments, memorization award deadlines, Districts, Regionals, etc.) so where’s the Newsletter?

Bible Quiz Newsletter - February 2018

Here is the February 2018 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - January 2018

Here is the January 2018 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - December 2017

Here is the December 2017 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - November 2017

Here is the November 2017 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - October 2017

Here is the October 2017 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - September 2017

Here is the September 2017 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Gold Cup Tournament 2017

In the July-August edition of the Bible Quiz Newsletter, we neglected to announce the 33rd Annual Gold Cup Tournament just a few miles south of Dallas, Texas. If you are looking for a strong, early-season competition, be sure to contact Lori Sullivan and get your team registered.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - July-August 2017

Here is the July-August 2017 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.

Bible Quiz Newsletter - June 2017

Here is the June 2017 edition of the National Bible Quiz Newsletter.